Management of acute epidemic

Due to the changes in the world environment, a new generation of epidemic is expected to occur. Furthermore, with the increased labor and material exchanges between nations, there is also the increased possibility of introducing a foreign epidemic. Consequently, E. coli O-157 and Malaria have constantly afflicted the public, thus, an epidemic monitoring system should be implemented and managed accordingly and urgently. The public health center executes follow-up inspections to quickly respond to any potential generation of epidemic in Korea and to prevent occurrence and prevalence of epidemic.

Operation of a center where reports of patients with diarrhea are accepted

  • Report immediately in the event of diarrhea occurrence
  • Subject of report: In the event of diarrhea occurrence in more than two persons
  • Content of preventive measures
    - Research on epidemiology of a patient with diarrhea and execution of disinfection
    - Reinforcement of monitoring for diseases in the district

Temporary regulation to work for the patients with epidemic

  • The subjects of temporary regulation to work stipulated by law (The 17th Article on the regulation to execute the laws of epidemic prevention)
    - The patients with the 1st class epidemic, those who are suspected to be infected, carriers, etc.
    - Among patients with 3rd class epidemic, those with tuberculosis, leprosy, and sexually transmitted disease(STD) are limited to work as long as they are possible carriers of disease and epidemic.
    - Food service industry stipulated in Item 3 of Para. 1 of Art. 21 of the Food and Hygiene Law
    - Field of medicine
    - The areas acknowledged by the Mayors of City, County, and District, where the epidemic has potential to spread in locations with a lot of people, are educational institutions, entertainment areas, business establishments, etc.
    These are the places where people frequently make physical contact.
    - The 3rd class epidemic: Up to 24 hours after initiating treatment

Follow-up inspection of the entrants from contaminated regions

  • Subject: In the event of detecting virus inside an airplane arriving from a contaminated region, the passengers of the aircraft or those who had contact with such passengers are reported to the quarantine station.
  • Inform of subject: Quarantine Station at the Incheon International Airport
  • Measures: Immediate health consultation after receiving report from the quarantine station by using the phone or visiting and taking fecal sample when symptoms are present. (When there is an opinion of abnormal condition, a fecal sample of contactor will be taken as well.) As soon as detecting disease in a patient, report immediately and quarantine the patient.

Examination of patients with tuberculosis

  • Process of examination: Registration (Tuberculosis Center at 4th floor)¡æRadiation center (Chest X-ray) ¡æ Check the result (4 days later at the Tuberculosis Center)
  • Process of registration and treatment of patients with tuberculosis : Tuberculosis Center (Test of sputum) a Depending on the result of sputum test ¡æ Tuberculosis Center (Registration for treatment), Registration for special care (Retest 2 months later by testing sputum and 3-6 months later by Chest X-ray)
  • Inquiry: Tuberculosis Center at the 4th floor (¢Ï 02-2091-4697)

Examination of patients with sexually transmitted disease(STD)

  • Process of examination: Registration at the Tuberculosis Center at the 4th floor ¡æ Test at the blood sampling center at the 3rd floor ¡æ Check the result 4 days later
  • Method of examination for Syphilis, HIV/AIDS - Blood sampling, Gonorrhea and urethritis - Urinalysis
  • Inquiry: Tuberculosis Center at the 4th floor (¢Ï 02-2091-4697)